Acronyms (what did he just say?)
1SG First Sergeant
ACU Army Combat Uniform (camouflage uniform)
AI Army Instructor
ASU Army Service Uniform (the blue dress uniform)
AT Ease An Army way of saying be quiet
BDE Brigade
BN Battalion
CPT Captain
HU Honor Unit
HUD Honor Unit with Distinction
JCLC Joint Cadet Leadership Challenge (Cadet Summer Camp)
JLAB Joint Leadership Academic Bowl
JROTC Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (high school level)
JUMS JROTC Unit Maintenance System (official records for individual Cadets)
LET Leadership, Education & Training
MEPS Military Entrance Processing Station (where you take a physical, ASVAB, and pick a job for all branches of the military)
MRE Meal Ready (to) Eat - Military meals while (normally) in the field. Each package contains 1 meal
OCP Operational Camouflage Pattern (new camouflage uniform)
PT Physical Training (exercising)
ROTC Reserve Officer Training Corps (college level)
SAI Senior Army Instructor
Squared Away Generally a compliment that indicates exemplary, above average behavior
TBD To be determined