Uniform Wear
How to tie a Windsor knot
The Army JROTC Uniform
Class A and B Uniform
The Female JROTC Uniform
- Hair must be off ears and collar, ponytails are acceptable. Hair must be of a natural color.
- Only natural hair colored scrunches can be worn.
- Only one ring per hand can be worn.
- Black socks or nylons (nude, beige, tan, taupe) must be worn.
- Only ONE set of stud (1/4" diamond stud, round gold, or pearl) earrings can be worn that coincide to each other.
- No piercings of the face are allowed in JROTC.
- No flashy or an excessive amount of make-up should be worn.
- Only clear, skin tone, or natural color nail polish is acceptable.
- Rank: Pin-on grade insignia are worn only on the epaulets of the ASU coat. Center rank insignia on the shoulder loop 5/8" from the outside shoulder seam
- Honor Unit Star: Centered (left-right) 1/4 inch above the right breast pocket on the nameplate. It can be worn by itself or joined by the Academic Achievement Wreath.
- Academic Wreath: Centered 1/4" above the right breast pocket/nameplate with the star centered in the wreath
- Nameplate: Center the nameplate horizontally on the right side between 1 and 2 inches above the top button. Adjust placement of the nameplate to conform to individual figure differences.
- Unit Crest: Centered 1/4" above the HU/HUD or 1/4" above the nameplate if the HU/HUD is not worn
- Ribbons: Center ribbons on the left side with the bottom row parallel to the bottom edge of the nameplate. Third and subsequent rows may be aligned to the left to present a better appearance.
- Special Teams Pins: Place special JROTC team pins (arcs) parallel to the waistline of the coat. Placement of team pins may be adjusted to conform to the individual figure difference. If more than one team pin is worn, space them 1/8" between each arc
- JROTC Pin (Officers): Place the ROTC insignia 5/8" up from the collar and lapel seam, with the centerline of the insignia parallel to the inside edge of the lapel (Enlisted): Place the ROTC insignia centered on both lapels of the coat, parallel to the inside edge of each lapel: 5/8" above the notch
- Cords: A maximum of two cords can be worn. If one is worn, it goes on the left. If two are worn, the highest goes on the left.
- Black Neck tab: The black neck tab is mandatory while wearing the ASU coat
- Army Gray Shirt: The Army gray short sleeve shirt is the only authorized shirt to be worn with the Class A uniform
- Same basic measurements as Class A
The Male JROTC Uniform
Requirements - Clean-cut hair cuts, off ears and collar. Hair must not come past the eyebrows.
- A clean shaved face; mustaches should not be any wider than the width of the mouth.
- No side burns past the middle of the ear.
- NO earrings worn with uniform.
- Only black socks should be worn with the uniform.
- Allowed only one ring per hand.
Class A (Jacket and necktie are worn)
- Rank: Pin-on grade insignia are worn only on the epaulets of the ASU coat. Center rank insignia on the shoulder loop 5/8" from the outside shoulder seam
- Honor Unit Star: Centered (left-right) 1/4 inch above the right breast pocket on the nameplate. It can be worn by itself or joined by the Academic Achievement Wreath.
- Academic Wreath: Centered (left-right) 1/4" above the right breast pocket/nameplate with the star centered in the wreath
- Nameplate: Worn centered left to right on the flap of the right breast pocket, and centered between the top of the button and the top of the pocket
- Unit Crest: Centered 1/4" above the HU/HUD (if worn), 1/4" above the right breast pocket
- Ribbons: Center ribbons 1/8" above the top of the pocket flap. Third and subsequent rows may be aligned to the left to present a better appearance.
- Special Teams Pins: center special JROTC team pins (arcs) between the top of the pocket flap and the bottom of the pocket. If more than one team pin is worn, space them 1/8" between each arc
- JROTC Pin (Officers): Place the JROTC insignia 5/8" above the notch on both collars, with the centerline of the insignia bisecting the notch and parallel to the inside edge of the lapel (Enlisted): 1" above the notch
- Cords: A maximum of two cords can be worn. If one is worn, it goes on the left. If two are worn, the highest goes on the left.
- Black Necktie: The black necktie is mandatory while wearing the ASU coat
- Army Gray Shirt: The Army gray short sleeve shirt is the only authorized shirt to be worn with the Class A uniform
- same basic measurements as Class A
JROTC Cords Order of Precedence
highest cord goes on the left shoulder
National Honor Society (yellow)
Staff (blue)
Color Guard (white) Color Guard members who have completed 20 wear a red/white/blue cord
Raider (black)
Air Rifle Marksmanship (brown)
Drill Team (red)
Gridiron Guard (orange)
JROTC Arc Pins Order of Precedence
Cadet of the Year
Superior Cadet
Distinguished Cadet
National Honor Society
Summer Camp
PT Excellence (85%)
Cadet Challenge (50%)
Color Guard
Flag Detail
Drill Team
PT Team